Te Ma Romania
Informaţii te ma romania srl cif 12958415 j40 4075 2000 bdul.
Te ma romania. Usite de vizitare rame de aerisire profile de faianta iar anul acesta pentru. Te ma romania is a dynamic company whose activity on the romanian market began more than 10 years ago acting as manufacturer importer and distributor of sanitary and electrical products and interior design fittings te ma romania has as its main objective the development of the marketed product range by introducing new products intended for. La inceput principala activitate a firmei a fost comercializarea produselor importate sau achizitionate de la furnizori interni insa in anul 2004 s a inceput productia pentru. Te ma romania srl about us.
Te ma romania srl romania tax code 12958415 is a company from sectorul 6 city bucuresti county. Activeaza pe piata produselor tehnico sanitare din anul 2000. Te ma romania este axata pe productia si distributia accesoriilor tehnico sanitare. Timisoara 60 62 sectorul 6.
Află date de contact informaţii financiare datorii la bugete dosare in justiţie activitate. Te ma romania este o companie ce activeaza de peste 10 ani pe piata din romania in calitate de producator importator si distribuitor de obiecte sanitare. Learn how to create your own. Has been present on the technical sanitary market since 2000.
Te ma romania este o companie ce activeaza de peste 10 ani pe piata din romania in calitate de producator importator si distribuitor de obiecte sanitare. This map was created by a user. 1 4 k de aprecieri. At the beginning the main activity of the company was the selling of the imported or acquired from the internal suppliers but from 2004 we sta.
Produsele noastre se regasesc in locuintele multor romani.